Discover how to break free from the barriers holding you back from reaching your fullest potential!

Get ready to feel inspired, energized and unstoppable!

10:00 am - 2:00 pm Pacific


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This FREE Workshop is for YOU if ...

  • You've built a good life, but deep down, you feel you haven't tapped into your full potential and you're not sure how to unlock it.
  • You're overwhelmed by obstacles, both personal and professional, and can't seem to find your way around them.
  • You're curious about your hidden strengths and how they can propel you toward your biggest dreams, but clueless on where to start.
  • You're sick of running in circles with the same old habits that leave you drained and dissatisfied.
  • You're searching for a community that pushes you to grow and succeed, rather than just sticking to what’s safe.

Here's What You Get...



The live coaching will include break-out sessions for personalized interactions and dedicated time for you to implement what you're learning right away.



The workbook is packed with exercises and tools to help you identify what you want and the steps you're willing to take to get from where you are to where you want to be.


You Will Leave this Workshop with...

  • A crystal-clear picture of what you truly want and the confidence to make it happen.
  • A deeper connection to your unique talents and purpose so you can focus your time and energy on what really matters to you.
  • Real strategies for knocking out those sneaky barriers that have been holding you back, almost without you noticing.
  • Step-by-step actions to take home, so you can hit the ground running towards your dreams as soon as the workshop wraps.
  • A big boost of motivation and some clever tricks to keep the momentum going, ensuring you're always moving forward, not just dreaming about it.
  • ...and so much more.

You don't have forever to live you best life!
Your time is NOW and I'm giving you the tools 100% free.

Here's What Past Attendees Experienced...

Hi, I'm Coach Christie!

Life can be incredibly challenging, and if you're feeling overwhelmed by the odds, I truly understand—I've faced them head-on myself.

I was born prematurely, addicted to drugs, and not expected to live. Fast forward to June 2022, I faced another dire prediction: My doctors told me I had one year to live after being diagnosed with breast cancer, which later progressed to Stage 4 brain cancer.

Yet here I am, living my healthiest and happiest life, a journey my doctor has called a “radical remission miracle.”

As seen on The Heal Podcast with Kelly Noonan Gores

Over the past ten years, I've coached thousands of people on their journeys to improve their health, build their businesses, overcome obstacles, and achieve deeper happiness.

Through these experiences, I've refined a set of mindset strategies that not only helped me win three cars and build two 6-figure businesses but also empowered me to thrive beyond cancer.

I created the Magnify Your Mindset Workshop to share these life-changing strategies with you. These are the same practical tools I used to transform my life—and I’m confident they'll work for you too.

I’m ready to guide you. All you need to bring is your commitment to fully engage and the openness to explore new possibilities.


Your life can change with one simple mindset shift and I'm here to help make it happen.


Join us now—because if not now, WHEN?